About Me

About D.E.L


Hello I’m Del Holder,

I founded Directing Educating Lads after my experience of growing up without a Father, from the age of 6, left me with a lot of questions I needed to answer and situations I had to learn.

In my experience so many other young men share this element of my story, and this was my motivation to create D.E.L – Directing Educating Lads.

As males, society and evolution has us drawn towards group activities, such as football and sports. This is great if you have the encouragement of responsible role models. But what happens to the ones who don’t?

Just like me, they get lost on their journey into manhood. Growing up with

Turning my personal passion of Boxing into a method of training others showed me the true power of this sport for men particularly. It teaches you how to defend yourself and mostly how to master your mind, controlling unruly thoughts and anger; because if you don’t, just as with life, your opponent or the world will get the upper hand on you.

From Boxing I have become obsessed with mastering my mindset. “The brain is like a computer – capable of so much growth and expansion, yet unlike the computer it doesn’t come with a manual….you just have to work it out for yourself”. This concept has become my mantra and is something that I want to empower as many other men by learning. If you can conquer your mind, you can achieve anything!

Having the confidence to approach whoever to strike up a conversation with, no more running away from things, going for the job promotion you know you deserve, living a successful and fulfilled life are all elements of my life that I had to learn to do by myself, through trial and error. But through my past failures, I now have the missing mind manual that all men can improve their lives with.

So this is D.E.L and this is me. “A man on a mission to empower other men through exercise and ~NLP Confidence & Self-Esteem coaching”. Click below if you are ready to maximise your life!

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